The Blog

Is ShowIt For Me? 3 Ways to Decide

April 16, 2024

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You’re here if you’ve been asking yourself the question, ‘Is ShowIt for me and my website?’. ShowIt has many advantages when it comes to custom website design. Below are 3 ways to decide if ShowIt is right for you, your website, and your business. If you’re on the fence about using ShowIt vs. another platform, this article is for you.

1. Do you know how to code?

If you know how to code, that is awesome! However, many people who want to build a website (since so many people want to build a website today) do not know how to code. While ShowIt does have space for custom code and the option to use it, it is absolutely not necessary to know how to code to create a beautiful ShowIt website. The drag and drop features of ShowIt make it so that anyone can create a website if they put some time and effort into it. No code needed!

A pink and beige general author's website.  The website has information for latest books and a newsletter signup.
A template created in ShowIt for an Author.

2. Do you have branding for your business?

If you have branding for your business, for instance, specific colors and fonts that you stick to normally, then ShowIt is for you. Users are able to set the colors up in the ‘Design Settings’ page as well as the fonts, and use them throughout the website seamlessly. has a great section about this on this blog post. Using consistent website colors and fonts is important for visitors to your website. It helps your business look more professional and may be the key to converting website visitors into clients.

3. Don’t want to design? No problem!

If you’ve read the above and it still sounds intimidating, the good news is that there are still options out there! ShowIt itself has a template shop, but there are tons of template shops all over that can help. If you don’t want a template that other people have, there are also plenty of designers who use ShowIt who can help you. Pixelated Golden Designs is a custom ShowIt website design company here to help you with your website today! Check out the link to get in contact with us and get the ball rolling on a new website.

Pixelated Golden Designs is a woman-owned small business based out of Huntsville, AL.  I would love to help you take your business to the next level and create a new, beautiful website to help attract clients.  

About Pixelated Golden Designs